UPDATE: It's Sunday morning and we're about to head out for breakfast. I just wanted to say that having Donna here has been an absolute delight - she's pleasant, easy to get along with, and has a great sense of humor. (She also washes dishes!) She has been able to meet several of our friends and she fits in well with all types of people. Saturday was a fun day - we hit all the big tourist sights in Monticello - Monticello Milling, Dr. Davis' vet office, Winn Dixie, Jefferson Builder's Mart - you now those places that only the natives know about. Donna supervised my western pleasure lesson yesterday, assisted a gentleman with saddling and bridling one of my mares he is considering leasing, and even rode (with much success) one of my WP mares in training - the prettiest little jog you've ever seen. The lady who shows this mare said, "Now, why can't I get her to do that?!" Anyway, she's welcome here as long as she'd like to stay and I hope she'll stay for several days. It's been a pleasure having her around!